Residential or commercial, save time and money by having KEE Services desludge and service your treatment plant.

Most of the times your wastewater treatment system will need no intervention from you to do its work. All it will require is the annual desludging and that’s when KEE Services can help.

We provide a timely, guaranteed and professional service to empty your wastewater system. But that’s not all! We also provide advice and support and can help you to keep everything working sweetly.

Waste water from sinks, baths, showers, dishwashers, washing machines and toilets are plumbed into your foul drainage system. This waste arrives at the wastewater treatment system where the solids settle to the bottom and light materials such as grease, suds etc. float to the top. For every litre that flows into the tank a litre must flow out into the drainage field below the septic tank. There is very little biological treatment within a septic tank, although modern package sewage plants do treat the effluent.

If the tank is not emptied on a regular basis solids will be washed into the drainage field and can cause blockages. These blockages are hard to remove and the most common remedy is to install a new drainage field. This can be very expensive compared to regular emptying.

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KEE Tankering Services                                             or Jetting Services

Why KEE Services Tankering?

Reasons why you should choose KEE Services to empty your Wastewater Treatment System.

  • You get a completely local service from a nationwide company
  • You speak to real people, and will get free advice and help
  • You know that the job will be done well by our highly trained and experienced engineers.
  • The work is guaranteed
  • The price we quote will be the price you pay there are no supplements, call outs or fuel surcharges.

We have been servicing, repairing and emptying wastewater treatment systems for more than 60 years.

Call 01296 634500 to arrange a visit or go to the KEE Services website for more information.

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