Page 4 - A Guide for Users of Packaged Wastewater Treatment Systems
P. 4
04. recommendations are followed and only
UNDERSTANDING YOUR small quantities are used at a time –
should not have any adverse effect on
PACKAGED WASTEWATER the treatment system.
TREATMENT PLANT Follow the helpful guidance in this
publication to help you avoid or at least
Sewage is made up of the organic waste minimise the introduction of ‘un-friendly’
from toilets and the chemicals and products into the environment of your
wastewater and grey water from everyday sewage treatment plant.
activities such as washing, cleaning,
cooking, clothes-washing and dishwashers.
Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plants This guide does not cover septic tanks, cesspools or cesspits.
that are CE certified generally work along
similar principles with primary, secondary 05.
and even tertiary treatment stages that
produce a high quality (low/no pollution) PROTECTING YOUR SEWAGE
effluent. In simple terms sewage enters TREATMENT PLANT
the chamber underground where it is
acted upon by naturally occurring bacteria Follow these simple precautions to avoid
which break down the sewage into a non- damage that can lead to costly repairs:
polluting output or discharge.
The key point to understand is that in DON’TS
order for the bacteria to grow and do
its job, the environment in which it lives Don’t plant trees near your
inside the treatment system needs to be treatment system as overtime
‘friendly’. As that environment is made up the roots can penetrate the
of whatever you put down the toilet, sink holding chamber causing sewage
or drains, if you overload it - say with too to leak out (pollution) and water
much water in one go or with too many to seep in (flood the system).
chemicals or harsh detergents - then the
bacteria can suffer or even die. Don't drive over sewage
treatment plant covers or put
This means the system will not be treating heavy objects on top of them.
the effluent effectively, and consequently They are not designed to
the discharge is unlikely to be meeting bear weight.
its required environmentally protective
performance, and could be polluting the Don’t park or drive over a
environment. Furthermore if the bacteria drainage field as compacted
die, you will need to pay for the system to ground will not drain effectively.
be reseeded. If the bacteria survive but Don’t allow hot tubs, swimming
are negatively impacted it can take days pools or storm water from
or even weeks for it to recover and rainwater downpipes or gulleys
function properly. to discharge into your treatment
However, be assured that normal day- system as this will overload it.
to-day cleaning – provided dosage